United States Attorney for the District of New Jersey

The U.S. Attorney for the District of New Jersey is the chief federal law enforcement officer in New Jersey. On January 5, 2018, Craig Carpenito was appointed U.S. Attorney pursuant to 28 U.S.C. § 546 by US Attorney General Jeff Sessions. On April 27, 2018, the judges of the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey unanimously appointed Carpenito U.S. Attorney pursuant to its statutory powers. The U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey has jurisdiction over all cases prosecuted by the U.S. Attorney.


The Office is organized into divisions handling civil, criminal, and appellate matters, in addition to the Special Prosecutions Division, which oversees political corruption investigations. The District of New Jersey is also divided into three vicinages: Newark, Trenton and Camden, with the southern two offices supervised by a Deputy U.S. Attorney. The office employs approximately 170 Assistant U.S. Attorneys. It is the fifth-largest U.S. Attorney's Office in the nation, behind those in the District of Columbia, Los Angeles, Manhattan, and Miami.

High-profile cases