United Nations General Assembly Resolution 3275

United Nations General Assembly Resolution 29/3275 was a resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly on 10 December 1974. The resolution adopted 1975, International Women's Year, as a period of intensified action with regard to equal rights and recognition of women.


The General Assembly,
Recalling its resolution 3010 of 18 December 1972, in which it proclaimed the year 1975 International Women's Year and decided to devote this year to intensified action:
Recognizing the importance of the implementation at the national, regional and international levels of the Programme for the International Women's Year approved by the Economic and Social Council and annexed to its resolution 1849 of 16 May 1974,
Recognizing further that voluntary contributions from Member States, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, private foundations and interested individuals, as called for by the Economic and Social Council in its resolution 1850 of 16 May 1974, would help significantly to promote the goals and objectives of the International Women's Year,
1. Calls upon Governments, specialized agencies, regional commissions and non-governmental organizations to implement fully the Programme for the International Women's Year as approved by the Economic and Social Council;
2. Recommends that all Member States should include in their national development plans and country programmes, if they have not already done so, goals and projects designed to train and equip women to make a greater contribution to, and to become more fully integrated in, the economic and social life of the nation;
3. Recommends further that Member States should establish, if they have not yet done so, as a priority measure for the International Women's Year, appropriate national machinery to accelerate the integration of women in development and to eliminate discrimination on grounds of sex;
4. Appeals to Member States, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, private foundations and interested individuals to give voluntary contributions to the Secretary-General for the International Women's Year, as called for in Economic and Social Council resolution 1850.