UN Youth runs approximately 30 regional and national events for secondary school and university students throughout the calendar year. The key events are the Model United Nations. A Model UN conference involves each participant taking on the stance of a particular country and debating a number of resolutions from that stance, all within formal rules of procedure similar to the United Nations General Assembly. Model UN conferences take place in each region, with a national conference – NZ Model UN – taking place each July in New Zealand's capital, Wellington. NZ Model UN involves approximately 250 secondary school students. UN Youth also facilitates and assembles delegations of New Zealand students to attend international conferences which focus on the United Nations and international affairs. UN Youth sends delegations to:
UN Youth New Zealand is a registered New Zealand charity governed by the UN Youth New Zealand Board Of Directors, chaired by Chairman Of The Board Johnathan Gee. UN Youth New Zealand operations are managed by the National Executive who are accountable to the Board Of Directors, headed by President Mark Howard.
Board Of Directors
The Board Of Directors is the highest authority and policy-making body within the organisation, composed of several directors including the President and a volunteers representative. The Board will typically meet once every quarter around the country. Their primary obligation is to ensure that the organisations financial health is stable and that the strategic direction and mission of the organisation is being met by the National Executive by implementing policies.
National Executive
The National Executive is the committee charged with managing UN Youth at a national level, as directed by the Board. The National Executive is accountable under the Board, and is elected at the organisation's Annual General Meeting, held at the end of every year. Whereas the Board meets quarterly to hold the National Executive, regional branches and various UN Youth programmes to account and to set the organisation's overall policies and direction, the National Executive is charged with implementing that policy and direction on a day-to-day basis. The current National President is Mark Howard.
Regional Councils
UN Youth has four regions. From north to south these are: Auckland, Wellington, Canterbury and Otago. The regions are charged with carrying out the purpose of UN Youth through operating regional level events. The regions are also held accountable by the UN Youth Board Of Directors, and the members are elected by an AGM held annually in the region. Each region is headed by a Regional President.
Annual events
NZ Model UN: The premiere Model United Nations event for New Zealand high-school students. The event is held at Victoria University of Wellington and attracts over 260 participants from around the country.
NZ Model Parliament: A high-school student simulation of the New Zealand parliamentary system. The event is held at the University of Canterbury.
Global Development Tour: A study tour to Europe and New York for high-school students that explores international diplomacy and the Sustainable Development Goals. In 2018, the Delegation will also represent New Zealand at Columbia Model UN in New York.
United States Leadership Tour: A study tour through the United States for Tertiary students that provides meetings with key international and domestic institutions and people, as well as attending the prestigious Harvard Model UN as the New Zealand Delegation.
Aotearoa Youth Declaration: An annual event which brings together high school students from around the country to prepare and write a 'Youth Declaration' document which is presented to Members of Parliament as a formation of youth perspectives on pressing national issues.
Diplomacy Competition: An online platform for students across New Zealand to engage with current issues in international affairs.
Pacific Project: An international trip involving a delegation of high-school students. The trip is divided into two: attending UN Youth Australia's National Conference and a cultural exchange in a Pacific country. The 2016 tour travelled to Samoa.
Additionally, regional councils run their own locally organised and attended events throughout New Zealand. Many are run on an annual basis often with additional conferences being organised throughout the year.