Trambesh Peak
Trambesh Peak is the ice-covered peak of elevation 1600 m at the northwest extremity of Gutsal Ridge in Stribog Mountains on Brabant Island in the Palmer Archipelago, Antarctica. It surmounts the heads of Balanstra Glacier to the east and Hippocrates Glacier to the southwest.
The peak is named after the town of Polski Trambesh, and the settlements of Gorski Goren Trambesh and Gorski Dolen Trambesh in Northern Bulgaria.Location
Trambesh Peak is located at, which is 5.5 km south of Mount Parry, 4.73 km northwest of Kotlari Peak, 5.74 km north of Mount Imhotep and 7.95 km northeast of Mount Sarnegor. British mapping in 1980 and 2008.Maps