Traditional Vietnamese dance

Traditional Vietnamese dance comprises several different forms including dance as performed in Vietnamese theatre and opera, dances performed at festivals, and royal dances of the imperial court. Dance is thought to have been an integral part of Vietnamese culture since ancient times, as depicted by engravings found on Dong Son drums.
Vietnam is a diverse country with 54 different ethnic groups, with the ethnic Vietnamese making up the majority of the population. This article mainly focuses on the traditional dances of the ethnic Vietnamese, although each of the many ethnic minorities of Vietnam have their own rich culture and dance styles.

Dancing in Vietnamese theatres

Much of Vietnamese theatre and Vietnamese music are intertwined with each other, as well as with Vietnamese dance. Popular theatre forms such as Hát tuồng, Hát chèo, and Cải lương all often feature dance, however these dances are performed in a liberal manner without set rules, unlike other more specific dance styles.

Dances performed at festivals and important occasions

The lion dance was imported from China into Vietnamese culture where it developed its own distinct style. It is performed primarily at traditional festivals such as Tết and Tết trung thu, but also during other occasions such as the opening of a new business. The lion dance is highly symbolic, supposedly used to ward off evil spirits. There are an abundance of styles and the lion dances are typically accompanied by martial artists and acrobatics.

Imperial court dances

Accompanied with Nhã nhạc were the intricate dances of the Vietnamese Imperial court. Nhã Nhạc means "elegant music" when translated. While assuredly court dances existed before nhã nhạc in particular emerged, it is the Nguyễn Dynasty form that is still highly preserved today, and has been declared along with the whole of nhã nhạc as an Intangible cultural heritage.
These dances require great skill and the dancers are often dressed in extravagant costumes. Currently, they are performed at festivals in Huế or other special occasions, in order to promote the traditional arts. Some of the most popular dances include :
The meaning of "múa" extends to Múa rối nước - water puppetry