Tower of Amfikleia

The Tower of Amfikleia is a late medieval tower at Amfikleia, in Phthiotis, central Greece.
Amfikleia, occupies a strategic location on the northern slopes of Mount Parnassus and south of the Boeotic Cephissus. The tower is located on the site of the acropolis of ancient Amphicleia, which today is occupied by the cemetery of the modern settlement.
The tower measures by, making extensive use of spolia ashlar blocks from the acropolis for the first six courses of masonry at its base and then as quoins. In total, the tower survives to a height of about. The walls are thick at its base, and thin about at each of the two surviving above-ground floors. The first floor is supported by ledges offset from the north and south walls, extending from the ground to about in height.
The entrance was above ground, at the level of the first floor, on the southern face of the tower near its eastern corner. The doorway, which survives in part, preserves sockets for a closing bar. The other faces of the tower feature slit windows.