To Spring
To Spring is a 1936 animated musical short produced by Harman and Ising for the MGM cartoon studio's Happy Harmonies series. Although the production credit goes to Harman and Ising this short was actually the first cartoon to be directed by the future cartoon giant William Hanna, along with animator Paul Fennell.
This short animates the changing of the seasons through the eyes of the gnomes responsible for spring, as well as their hard work that makes it possible. A dark cloud with a deep bellowing voice is used to animate winter, and the elements which nature must fight to put this season behind us. The title is a play on words used to represent the season of spring and action the gnomes must take to wake up and get to work. This cartoon uses the bold and vibrant colors synonymous with springtime, and is an excellent example of the Technicolor process that was very popular at the time.