Three Versions of Judas

"Three versions of Judas" is a short story by Argentine writer and poet Jorge Luis Borges. It was included in Borges' anthology, Ficciones, published in 1944. Like several other Borges stories, it is written in the form of a scholarly article. The story carries three footnotes and quotes many people, some of which are real, some have been concocted from real life and some are completely fictitious.
The story is similar in theme and subject to the subsequent short story "The Sect of the Thirty".

Plot summary

The story begins as a critical analysis of works of a fictitious writer Nils Runeberg. Nils Runeberg lives in the city of Lund, where he publishes two books: Kristus och Judas and his magnum opus Den hemlige Frälsaren . Borges analyses these two works and discusses their heretical conclusions without providing the "dialectic or his proofs". The story ends with the death of Nils Runeberg. He dies a death of anonymity which was undeserved considering the controversial nature of his texts.

The three versions of Judas

Borges' fictitious writer Nils Runeberg presents to the world three versions of Judas Iscariot using his two books.