Thierry Libaert
Thierry Libaert is a leading French specialist on Organizational Communication. He has been professor of Organizational Communication at the Université catholique de Louvain where he chaired the Laboratory for the Analysis of Organisational Communication Systems. He previously worked for the State industry department, for a public relations agency and as PR manager for one of France’s leading companies.
He is also scientific director of the Observatoire International des Crises and advisor to the European Economic and Social Committee. He is the author of around twenty books.Books
- Le Lobbying.. Dunod/Topos. 2012.
- Communication et Environnement, le pacte impossible. Presses Universitaires de France. 2010.
- Toute la fonction communication.. Dunod. 2010.
- La communication corporate.. Dunod. 2010.
- Contredire l'entreprise.. Presses de l'Université Louvain. 2010.
- Introduction à la communication. Dunod/Topos. 2009.
- Communicator. Toute la communication d'entreprise.. Dunod. 2009.
- La communication des associations.. Dunod. 2009.
- La communication externe de l'entreprise.. Dunod Topos. 2008.
- Communiquer dans un monde incertain. Village mondial. 2008.
- Le développement durable. With André-Jean Guérin. Dunod. 2008
- La communication sensible au coeur des nouvelles évolutions de l'entreprise. PhD Thesis in communication at the Université catholique de Louvain. 2008
- Environnement et Entreprises. Au-delà des discours, Village Mondial, 2006
- Les tableaux de bord de la communication, Dunod, 2006,
- Communication : la nouvelle donne, Village Mondial, 2004
- La Transparence en trompe-l’œil, - Descartes et Cie/ Charles Léopold Mayer, 2003
- La Communication de Crise - Dunod Topos, 2001
- Le Plan de Communication – Dunod, 2000
- La Communication Interne – Dunod Topos 1998
- La Communication d’Entreprise - Economica – Gestion Poche, 1998
- La Communication de Proximité – Communication locale, communication de terrain – Liaisons, 1996
- La Communication Verte – L’écologie au service de l’entreprise – Liaisons, 1992.