The Toy Castle is a show about a group of toys that magically come to life when their children are asleep. When the children are about wake up, the toys dash around fast until they are back in their former positions. Each episode consists of three story lines, in which the toys all dance around the castle and get into situations which the viewer may relate to.
The Soldier - Soldier enjoys marching and dancing, and loves the lovely Ballerina. Judging by his accent, he is of British nationality.
The China Doll - China Doll enjoys dancing and tea. She is shy and prefers quiet activities. She is best friends with Ballerina and Rag Doll.
The Clown - Clown is a loud and wild toy. He likes joking around and playing. His best friends are Goblin and Rag Doll.
The Goblin - Goblin enjoys playing pranks on people and teasing. His best friends are Rag Doll and Clown.
The Rag Doll - Rag Doll enjoys twirling and playing. She dreams of being a pretty lady like Ballerina and China Doll. Her best friends are Goblin, Clown, Ballerina and China Doll.
The Sailor - Sailor likes to tell tales and sail the seven seas. His favorite dance is the jig.
The Strong Man - Strong Man likes lifting weights and his stuffed cat, Meow Meow. He may be in love with China Doll, as they dated in one episode, but that was the only time it was shown.
Freida - Freida enjoys dancing the frog-a-doddle-five and playing with her twin brother, Fredrick. She speaks with a Southern accent.
Fredrick - Frederick enjoys dancing the frog-a-doddle-five and playing with his twin sister, Freida. He speaks with a Southern accent.
Mama Mouse - Mama Mouse is shy. She is married to Papa Mouse, and has three children.
Papa Mouse - Papa Mouse is a caring man. He and his wife have three children.
Little Mouse - Little Mouse likes playing and imagining he is riding a horse. He was named Baby Mouse in the first season, but with two new siblings coming, they quietly changed his name to Little Mouse.
The Mouse Twins - They are twins who both cry often. They enjoy quiet things and swinging. They have never been given official names, being referred to simply as 'The Mouse Twins'.
The Dolly Bird - Dolly Bird wears extravagant make-up and loves dancing for people. She tends to be insecure about her dancing. She has appeared in the fewest episodes and is never mentioned on the official site.
The Little Boy - The Little Boy sleeps in his bed while the toys are dancing and in motion, but when he turns his head around sleeping, the toys return to their former poses as regular figures. He is only shown in the series' opening, in the ending part of an episode, and in the credits background.
The Little Girl - The Little Girl sleeps in her bed while the toys are dancing and in motion, but when she turns her head around sleeping, the toys return to their former poses as regular figures. She is only shown in the series' opening, in the ending part of an episode, and in the credits background.