The Slut

The Slut is a 2011 Israeli drama film directed by Hagar Ben-Asher. It stars Hagar Ben-Asher as the titular character, Ishai Golan, Icho Avital, Yoav Levi and Tsahi Hanan. The film premiered in May 2011 at the Cannes Film Festival and featured in the International Critics' Week.


Tamar, a promiscuous thirty-something, lives on a farm with her two daughters and occupies her spare time with a string of lovers. A new arrival in the village, a veterinary surgeon who treats one of her injured livestock, soon falls under her spell and they become romantically involved, but can she survive in a monogamous relationship.


The film premiered in May 2011 at the Cannes Film Festival and featured in the International Critics' Week. It won an award for Best Director at the 2011 Jerusalem Film Festival and was entered into the director's category at the Chicago International Film Festival later that year.


of The Hollywood Reporter described the film as "a slow-going, rather pointless Israeli drama about an attractive rural woman who just gotta have it. Notoriety of its title and content will attract some attention on the festival circuit and no doubt in Israel, but audiences will have that empty feeling afterwards."
Alissa Simon writing for Variety said that "The Slut refrains from supplying audiences with an emotional hook; lissome cipher Tamar is all id. We have no idea what she thinks or why she behaves the way she does, except, perhaps, at the pic’s not unexpected but still not well-prepared conclusion."