The Revival (film)

The Revival is a 2017 American romantic drama film directed by Jennifer Gerber, written by Samuel Brett Williams and starring Zachary Booth, David Carl, Stephen Ellis, and Lucy Faust. The plot follows a secret love affair between a southern Baptist preacher and a young drifter that challenges the equilibrium of a growing church.


Critical response

On review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes, the film has an approval rating of 78% based on nine reviews, with an average score of 6.54/10, and on Metacritic, the film has three positive reviews from three critics.
In a positive review Gary Goldstein of Los Angeles Times wrote, "The often difficult squaring of religious fervor and sexual longing receives poignant, powerful treatment in the film." writing for The Hollywood Reporter Jon Frosch said, "With an attention-grabbing hook and two riveting central performances, Jennifer Gerber's feature directorial debut The Revival holds you in its grip even when it stumbles."
Craig Mathieson of The Sydney Morning Herald said, " doesn't just capture the community dynamics of a southern church and the contradictory pressures, he allows Eli to be seen not as a hypocrite but someone who has genuinely tried to serve their faith and not their heart."
Dan Mecca of The Film Stage stated, "It's a true character piece about a character worth exploring."