The Minor Accomplishments of Jackie Woodman

The Minor Accomplishments of Jackie Woodman is an American comedy television series from World of Wonder Productions, co-written, executive produced by and starring Laura Kightlinger. The series premiered on IFC August 4, 2006. Season Two began on August 5, 2007 on IFC.
The Minor Accomplishments of Jackie Woodman follows two 'thirty-something' women, Jackie
Woodman and her best friend Tara Wentzel, whose willful ignorance, fleeting
confidence, poor judgment and self-loathing constantly get in the way of their success.

Main characters

All episodes were written by Laura Kightlinger & David Punch.

Season 1 (2006)

Season 2 (2007)

Home release

Season one is available on DVD as of July 17, 2007. iTunes and offered both seasons for download, but they are currently unavailable. Season two was never released on DVD.

International broadcast

An entire run of the series was screened in the United Kingdom on the now defunct channel, Film 24.