The Midnight Drives

The Midnight Drives is a 2007 British comedy-drama film written and directed by Mark Jenkin, which revolves around a divorcee who takes his bored children on a series of mystical, dream-like excursions through the Cornish country-side after initially failing to connect with them.


The film was made by independent film company O-Region and had Pippa Best on board as producer. It was filmed at various locations around Cornwall including Land's End, Marazion and Penzance.


The Midnight Drives premiered in the United Kingdom at the Cornwall Film Festival in October 2007 to a packed house and was subsequently selected for the London Film Focus and Ecran Britanniques festivals as well as the Celtic Media.

Critical reception

, film critic for The Evening Standard commented on it as "A moving film about parentage with an exceptional performance from Colin Holt at its centre".