The Michael Richards Show

The Michael Richards Show is an American sitcom television series created by Spike Feresten, Gregg Kavet, Andy Robin and Richards, that debuted on NBC from October 24 to December 19, 2000. The show starred Michael Richards as reality-challenged but successful private detective Vic Nardozza who gets the job done despite his unconventional methods.


The show revolved around Vic Nardozza, a lanky and clumsy private investigator working for McKay Investigative Services. Throughout the show, misunderstandings and screw-ups get in the way of the cases, but Nardozza always ends up getting the job done.


Following the conclusion of his previous show, Seinfeld, Michael Richards reteamed with three former Seinfeld writers/producers in a comedy caper about a private eye in Los Angeles. When originally conceived, Richards wanted to differentiate his character from Kramer, the role he immortalized on Seinfeld. However, the network disagreed and decided that the character would share characteristics with his previous role. The character Nardozza was named after Richards' own mother, Phyllis Nardozzi.
In a 2015 interview, co-star William Devane recalled that making the show was "a nightmare".



The show received generally negative reviews and was cancelled within two months due to poor ratings.