The Magic House (TV series)

The Magic House is a British children's television animation puppet show created by Joe Austen, that was broadcast on Scottish Television from 7 January 1994 to 30 July 1996. The television programme was adapted from a series of children's books written and illustrated by Austen in the early 1980s. The show's 55 10-minute episodes were aired across the ITV Network between 1994 and 1998. As well as the television episodes, a spin-off series of books was also produced, written and illustrated by Joe Austen. The show, which featured Uncle Teapot, Kitty Kettle, Barney Bin and other characters based on household items, proved a success with the characters appearing in adverts for the Trustee Savings Bank for children's savings accounts.


In 2001 the Dundee-based Austen bought back the rights to The Magic House and other shows produced by his Storyland company. Ownership of Storyland where previously in the hands of Carlton Television and Scottish Media Group in 2003.

Plans for a revival

In 2005, a new television series, as well as various types of books for the series, were planned to be developed.

UK VHS releases

The show was released as 3 VHS tapes in the mid 90s.
VHS TitleRelease DateEpisodes
The Magic House Moving Pictures and other Stories 6 June 1994Moving Pictures, Air Fare, Apple Pie Bed, Ups and Downs, Down in the Dumps
The Magic House Cat and Dog and other Stories 6 June 1994Mirror Mirror, A Drop in the Bucket, What's in the Box, Cat and Dog, Blind Man's Buff