The Love Doctor
The Love Doctor is a 1929 American comedy film directed by Melville W. Brown and written by Guy Bolton, Herman J. Mankiewicz, and J. Walter Ruben based upon a play by Victor Mapes and Winchell Smith. The film stars Richard Dix, June Collyer, Morgan Farley, Miriam Seegar, Winifred Harris, and Lawford Davidson. The film was released on October 5, 1929, by Paramount Pictures.
Previously filmed as a silent The Boomerang starring Anita Stewart.Cast
- Richard Dix as Dr. Gerald Summer
- June Collyer as Virginia Moore
- Morgan Farley as Bud Woodbridge
- Miriam Seegar as Grace Tyler
- Winifred Harris as Mrs. Woodbridge
- Lawford Davidson as Preston DeWitt
- Gale Henry as Lucy