The Lia Show
The Lia Show, formerly known as Neon Nights, is a nationally syndicated country music and entertainment radio program hosted by Lia Knight. The program airs nightly from 7 pm to midnight locally across the United States. Based out of Seattle, Washington, The Lia Show is a very artist-driven program with loads of interviews from the top names in the country music industry and many from the film and television industries. The show contributes a measure of its success to its caller hotlines. Putting on caller-intensive shows allowed for it to become more emotional and real.
The Lia Show continues to grow. Whereas in its infancy, it focused primarily on country music, the show has branched out considerably and has featured several high-profile celebrity guests, such as Jenny McCarthy, Bill Engvall, UFC fighters Chuck Liddell, Forrest Griffin, and Matt Hughes, Piers Morgan, Larry the Cable Guy, Chelsea Handler, Jorge Cruz, and many more.
A self-described worrywart, Knight didn't set out for a career in radio. "I went to college to be a poet" she says. Lia has won a number of awards over the years, most recently being Best Broadcasting Personality presented at the Country Music Awards in 2008. Locally she has also been recognized for her community service with a Service Above Self Award in 2002.
The program is syndicated by Westwood One. It is scheduled to be added to the Nash FM network in August 2020 as the network's overnight show.Awards
In 2008, Lia won the top honors at the Country Music Awards and the Gracies.
In 2007, the show was nominated for the Syndicated Personality/Show of the Year award by Radio & Records magazine. Other finalists included Delilah, Blair Garner, Steve Harvey, Kidd Kraddick, and John Tesh.