The Inmate

The Inmate is an American television series produced by Telemundo Internacional Studios that premiered on Telemundo on 25 September 2018 and concluded on 11 October 2018. It is an adaptation of the Argentine television series titled El Marginal created by Sebastián Ortega and Adrián Caetano. The series tells the story of an ex-marine who enters a maximum security prison on the border between Mexico and the United States to investigate the kidnapping of the daughter of a prominent US judge.


An American ex-marine, Lázaro Mendoza enters a maximum security prison in Mexico, under a false identity and accused of an alleged triple homicide. Now as Dante Pardo, his mission is to infiltrate a dangerous gang of prisoners and guards that operates inside and outside the prison. They are the main suspects in the kidnapping of the teenage daughter of an American judge named John Morris. Within La Rotunda, Lázaro has to discover who is the mastermind of the kidnapping and find the whereabouts of the girl.


Confirmed cast.
The series was unveiled by Telemundo at NAPTE 2018. Filming took place in Mexico during 2017. The first season will consist of 13 episodes.



Awards and nominations