The Grind (2012 film)

The Grind is a 2012 crime drama film written and directed by Rishi Opel, and starring Jamie Foreman, Freddie Connor, Gordon Alexander, Zoe Tapper, Danny John-Jules and Kellie Shirley. It is a re imaging of the film Baseline.
The film tells the story of Vince, a nightclub manager of The Grind in Hackney, East London. Vince, having fought his way to a decent living and respectable lifestyle, is determined to settle down and take life easier. Bobby, Vince's best friend from school, is released from prison and their friendship soon falls apart. Bobby's addiction to cocaine and gambling spirals out of control and he now owes a huge amount of money to Vince's boss, Dave, owner of The Grind and an East End loan shark. Vince's life takes a dramatic turn for the worse.
The Grind features a cast including Jamie Foreman, Danny John-Jules, Zoe Tapper and Kellie Shirley. Also appearing in cameo roles are Dynamo and Sway.
