The Great Day

The Great Day is a 1920 British short drama film directed by Hugh Ford and starring Hugh Ford. Alfred Hitchcock is credited as a title designer. On 17 April 1921, Paramount Pictures released the film in the US at five reels. The film is now considered to be a lost film.


As described in a film publication, Frank Beresford and Clara Borstwick have married against the wishes of her father, Sir John Borstwick. Immediately following the marriage, Lillian Leeson, to whom Frank had formerly been married, appears with the intent to blackmail. Frank had told Clara of the former marriage and had believed that Lillian was dead. Frank goes to Paris to find a former friend that he believed to be dead who was a former husband of Lillian. He recognizes Dave Leeson and they return to England. Dave frustrates the attempt by Lillian to spoil Frank's happiness, and there is a reconciliation with Clara.
