The Folk of the Faraway Tree

The Folk of the Faraway Tree is a children's novel in The Faraway Tree series by Enid Blyton. It was originally serialised in the Sunny Stories magazines and was first published in novel format in 1946.
It is the third book in the series, in which Jo, Bessie and Fanny introduce their mother's friend's daughter, Connie, to Silky, Moon-Face, Saucepan Man and all the rest of their friends in the Magic Faraway Tree.
At first, Connie does not believe such a place exists. By the end of the novel however, she ends up liking the Faraway Tree very much and is sad to have to leave. Connie is a very snoopy person, leading to her nickname 'Curious Connie'.

Lands in the book

This Land is filled with all kinds of marvels: a cat telling fortunes, a ladder with no top and a singing tree. Connie goes here, gives the fortune-telling cat a slap, gets in trouble with an old dame and hides up the Ladder That Has No Top, where she is rescued by Moon-Face.
This is the Land that Jack's beanstalk led to. The children, Saucepan, Silky and Moon-Face go through here to rescue Connie.
All of the people featured in nursery rhymes live here. The children all go up to visit Miss Muffet. They have to rescue Saucepan from her spider.
Where Dame Slap has a school for bad pixies and fairies. The friends go to visit Mrs Saucepan and get caught by Dame Slap.
A place for tea parties, with rabbit waiters. It is connected to Dame Slap's Land. They all celebrate Mrs Saucepan's birthday here.
In this Land, there is a hill with three doors in its side. People visit this Land to find out anything they wish to know. The three doors have three different names on them. The names represent three different know-alls who can answer everyone's questions.
Jo, Bessie and Fanny have Connie over to stay because her mother is ill. Connie is stuck up, bossy and does not believe in magic. She says that Dick told her all about his stay in the country. The children are overwhelmed because it does not seem like Dick to tell stories. She calls the Enchanted Wood silly, the Faraway Tree ridiculous, Moon-Face, Dame Washalot and Mr Watizisname stupid, Saucepan Man mad and says that magic is made up and old fashioned. The three children get cross with her for calling their friends rude names and old fashioned.
They have a wonderful time with Connie, although she does lead to trouble like going up to the Land of Marvels and climbing up the Ladder That Has No Top, from which Moon-Face saves her. Later, she listens to someone else's secret in the Land of Secrets, causing Mrs Hidden to take away her voice so the children have to get it back. Luckily, the Land of Enchantments comes after The Land of Secrets leaves. Lastly, Connie's third error is mistaking Dame Slap for Mrs Saucepan. In the end, they all have to join Dame Slap's school except Fanny and Bessie who have to help out in the kitchen because Mrs Saucepan leaves when Saucepan arrives. They are all rescued by Saucepan, who arrived earlier and was walking around with his mother.