The Eyes Have It (film)

The Eyes Have It is a Donald Duck animated short film produced in Technicolor by Walt Disney Productions, originally released on March 30, 1945 by RKO Radio Pictures. It was the final Disney short animated by Don Patterson and it was the only short to have his on-screen credit. The last Donald Duck cartoon to feature Pluto, it centers around Donald using hypnosis goggles to turn Pluto into various animal-like states.


Donald receives a package in the mail containing a hypnosis kit with a pair of goggles. Under the instructions that he should select a subject of low intelligence, he decides to test the goggles on Pluto. He hypnotizes Pluto to think he's a variety of animals—a mouse, a turtle, a chicken—and each time Pluto starts behaving like the animal, even partially taking on its form. While in his chicken form he gets into a fight with a rooster, so Donald hypnotizes him to think he is a lion. Pluto becomes ferocious and starts attacking the rooster, and the two run into Donald, inadvertently causing the goggles to shatter. Pluto chases Donald, now unable to control him, back to his house and wrecks much of the place, even destroying his EZ Hypnotism book and all the chairs Donald tries to tame. They both end up breaking through the rooftop and running into midair, before plummeting violently to the ground, knocking Donald unconscious and returning Pluto to his normal self. Pluto licks Donald's face to wake him up, but thinking he's still in his lion state, Donald frantically rushes away. Pluto looks toward the camera with a confused expression.


Runtime 7 min

Sound Mix Mono
Aspect Ratio 1.37 : 1
Negative Format 35 mm
Cinematographic Process Spherical
Printed Film Format 35 mm
