The Eustace Bros.

The Eustace Bros. is a British television drama series, created and principally written by Ashley Pharoah, that first broadcast on BBC One on 2 July 2002. Originally titled Paradise Heights, the series follows the exploits of the Eustace Brothers, Charlie, Clive and Richard, who run a discount warehouse business in Nottingham. Struggling to keep their business afloat, the brothers turn to a local big-shot, Jack Edwards for help, but find themselves carrying out more and more extreme tasks in order to pay off their debt.
The decision to re-title the series was made following the cliffhanger ending of the first series, in which the Paradise Heights warehouse is burnt to the ground. For the second series, new characters Melissa Garvey and Sam Eustace were added to the cast. Two series of six episodes were broadcast, with the final episode broadcasting on 19 August 2003. The decision to axe the series was made shortly after the second series premiere, which attracted just four million viewers.
Neither series have been released on DVD. As part of the BBC Writer's Room project, the shooting script for the first episode of Paradise Heights is available to download from the Writer's Room website.


Series 1: ''Paradise Heights'' (2002)

Series 2: ''The Eustace Bros.'' (2003)