The Eleven Little Roosters

The Eleven Little Roosters is an American spy comedy web series created by Josh Flanagan and co-directed and co-written by Blaine Gibson and Flanagan. It stars Zach Anner, Burnie Burns, Barbara Dunkelman, Gavin Free, Ashley Jenkins, Geoff Ramsey and Gus Sorola. It is the successor to the 2014 series Ten Little Roosters, acting as an spy thriller that pits international assassins against each other. It premiered on Rooster Teeth's website on January 16, 2017.


After the success of Ten Little Roosters, creator Josh Flanagan wanted to "fully deliver" on the concept by expanding the cast, scope, and storyline and adding new levels of interaction, describing it as, " of Rooster Teeth." Each episode, characters are killed, and viewers who predict plot points by "synthesizing" clues such as hidden QR codes, in-dialogue hints, and audio cues win prizes. It feature cameos and 360 video segments.
