The Deaf Man is a tall, blond man whose real name is never revealed. He is a meticulous criminal planner who appears in a number of the 87th Precinct novels, usually plotting some spectacular crime while sending obscure, cryptic clues to the 87th Precinct, as if daring the detectives there to thwart him. In most of the stories, these clues are intended to mislead the police, directing them away from The Deaf Man's real goal. The Deaf Man is not actuallydeaf; this is just another layer of disguise and misdirection. He wears a hearing aid, and uses odd pseudonyms referring to deafness. Examples include "L. Sordo", "Mort Orecchio", "Den Dove" and D. R. Taubmann. When he calls the detectives of the 87th, he'll commonly start the conversation with some version of "You'll have to speak up. I'm a little hard of hearing". His main "nemesis" at the 87th Precinct seems to be Det. Steve Carella, who always feels a sense of irony in his dealing with The Deaf Man, since Carella is himself married to a deaf person. Both Carella and The Deaf Man have bullet wounds inflicted by the other, Carella from a shotgun in The Heckler and The Deaf Man from Carella's service revolver in Fuzz. The Deaf Man even had Carella mugged and his badge/police ID stolen in Let's Hear It For The Deaf Man!, which he has since used to impersonate Carella. The Deaf Man has no compunction about injuring or killing police officers or citizens during the commission of his crimes, but always has the motive of financial profit as his underlying goal. In later novels, he also has a secondary goal of getting revenge against Carella and the 87th for thwarting some of his most ambitious criminal plans. The Deaf Man was last seen in Hark!. The ending of the novel has the Deaf Man still free, and presumably able to plot more mischief for the 87th Precinct at some later time. The Deaf Man appears in the following 87th Precinct novels:
The Heckler
Let's Hear it for the Deaf Man!
Eight Black Horses
In other 87th Precinct novels where The Deaf Man does not appear, characters on occasion make reference to him and his crimes.
In "The Heckler," the thirteenth episode of the 87th Precincttelevision series, adapted from the novel, the Deaf Man was played by Robert Vaughn. The character was referred to as "Sordo." In the movie version of Fuzz, he was played by Yul Brynner.