The Days (TV series)

The Days is an American drama series that aired on ABC from July 18 until August 22, 2004. Each episode chronicles 24 hours in the lives of the members of the fictional Day family. Produced in association with Valleycrest Productions and talkbackTHAMES.
The series was produced for ABC by MindShare Worldwide, a GroupM media agency within WPP Group that financed the series in exchange for ABC advertising time.


The plot revolves around a Philadelphia family, the Days. The father, Jack Day is a corporate lawyer who quits his job at a pharmaceutical company in the midst of a mid-life crisis. His wife, Abby Day has recently re-entered the work force as an executive for an advertising firm after taking time off to raise their children. The couple's eldest child, daughter Natalie Day, is homecoming queen, a soccer star, and the most popular girl in school, until she finds out she's pregnant. Cooper Day is the middle child and an aspiring writer who counts the days until his graduation. He begins and ends each episode with a monologue of an entry in his journal. Nathan Day is the youngest child, a child prodigy, who attends a private school and frequently suffers panic attacks.
