The Comedy Get Down

The Comedy Get Down is an American comedy mockumentary television series, created by Tom Brunelle and Brad Wollack, that premiered on October 12, 2017, on BET. The series stars Cedric the Entertainer, Eddie Griffin, D. L. Hughley, George Lopez, and Charlie Murphy. This was Charlie Murphy’s last role in a television series before his death.


The Comedy Get Down is described by BET as the "first scripted comedy series about what really happens behind the scenes of a massive stand-up comedy tour featuring five legendary comics – George Lopez, DL Hughley, Cedric the Entertainer, Eddie Griffin and Charlie Murphy. They’re hilarious, insane and unapologetic on stage, but the second they step off is when the real show begins. The storylines are based on actual events that have taken place not only on their wildly successful Comedy Get Down arena tour, but throughout the 25 plus years each has been a nationally headlining comedian. A workplace comedy at its core, the 30 minute, single-camera series explores the personal and professional relationships of these five comic titans as they navigate the challenges of life on the road: seedy venues, racist road managers, pushy wives, angry baby mamas, obsessive fans, demanding celebrities, shady politicians and more."

Cast and characters




On April 20, 2016, it was announced that BET had given the production a series order for a first season consisting of ten episodes. Executive producers were set to include Tom Brunelle, Brad Wollack, Michael Rotenberg, Greg Walter, Kimberly Carver, and Eric C. Rhone. Production companies involved with the series were reported to include 3 Arts Entertainment and Free 90 Media.


Alongside the announcement of the series order, it was announced that main cast would include Cedric the Entertainer, Eddie Griffin, D. L. Hughley, George Lopez, and Charlie Murphy playing fictional versions of themselves. On August 8, 2016, it was announced that Tawny Newsome had been cast in a supporting role.