The Bounty (2012 film)

The Bounty is a 2012 action comedy film featuring the directorial debut of Fung Chi Keung and starring Chapman To, Fiona Sit and Alex Man. In November, the film received the Hong Kong Film Development Fund's "Film Development Foundation Film Production Finance Project" to provide HK$2,605,711 of finance. This is the 13th film financed by The Hong Kong Film Development Fund.


With an optimistic attitude towards life, Cho Sai Fung is a neurotic man with extraordinary skills, who relies on bounty hunting to make a living. This time he comes to an island, a small hotel called LAZY Inn, to hunt down a fugitive robber Lee Kin Fai, with a HK$4000,000 reward from the police. Suen Long Ching is the innkeeper's daughter. She has a rich imagination and curiosity, and is a little hyperactive. The nosy father and daughter have been monitoring the weird customer Cho, with the repeated wrong touch and misunderstanding, attracts a variety of funny jokes.
