The Blind Spot

The Blind Spot is a science fiction novel by American writers Austin Hall and Homer Eon Flint. The novel was originally serialized in six parts in the magazine Argosy beginning in May 1921. It was first published in book form in 1951 by Prime Press in an edition of 1,500 copies, though fewer than 800 were bound and the remainder are assumed lost. The sequel, The Spot of Life, was written by Hall alone.

Plot introduction

The novel concerns an interdimensional doorway between worlds.


In In Search of Wonder, Damon Knight is critical of the novel's coherence, scientific accuracy and style:
Groff Conklin, however, more generously termed The Blind Spot an "honored classic" despite being "overwritten leaning a little heavily on the pseudo-metaphysical." Forrest J Ackerman described it in Astounding as a "luxuriantly glorious Merrittesque of dimensional interstices" and "a highly philosophical work."
Everett F. Bleiler wrote that The Blind Spot "used to be regarded as one of the classics of early science-fiction, but now it is much less esteemed." He concluded that while its opening section "evoke a considerable sense of wonder," the novel "soon degenerates into a routine adventure story with loose ends."