The Animation Showcase

The Animation Showcase is a traveling film screening, showcasing animated short films. The showcase started in 2016, with the support of the private members club Soho House, with the intention of spotting upcoming creative talents in the animation industry and to promote animation in the creative industry. The Animation Showcase screening proposes a yearly "Best of the Year" selection, spotting films that become shortlisted and/or eventual nominees for the Academy Awards Best Animated Short Film category.
The Animation Showcase has been screened in major animation studios, startups and locations such as Pixar animation studios, Laika, Disney Animation Studios, DreamWorks, Google San Francisco, YouTube London Blur Studio, Cartoon Network, and Soho House.

Screening format

The screening lasts around an hour and ends with a question and answer session with invited filmmakers. From 2015 until 2018, the screenings were free entrance and/or by invitation.

Screening selections

Best of the year

Traveling mostly in Europe and in the US, this yearly event spotted numerous shortlisted and nominated animated short films four months before the Academy Awards nominations official announcement.

Best of 2016

The Animation Showcase screenings started as a series of themed selection, premiered every three months at Soho House and Shoreditch House
Present every year on the Annecy International Animated Film Festival, the founder of The Animation Showcase gathers a selection of the best Animated Shorts discovered at the Festival for the people of the industry and Studios that didn't get the chance to go or to watch the films at the festival. This program first started with a selection of upcoming talent for the talent scouts, and finishes with a selection of the "Must see" Shorts to not miss from the established animation filmmakers.