The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1980 TV series)

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a Japanese anime series, directed by Hiroshi Saitô which was broadcast in 1980. It is based on the well-known and popular 1876 novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain.
The series was broadcast on the World Masterpiece Theater, an animation staple on Fuji TV, that each year showcased an animated version of a classical book or story of Western literature, and was originally titled Tom Sawyer no Bōken. It was the second installment of the series, after Rascal the Raccoon in 1977, to feature the work of an American author.
This series was dubbed into English by Saban International and broadcast on HBO in 1988 under the title The Adventures of Tom Sawyer at 7:30 am. It alternated with the later World Masterpiece Theater version of Little Women. Celebrity Home Entertainment released videos in the United States under the title All New Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
A different English dub of the series has been shown in Southeast Asia. In 1997, 2008, 2010 and 2014, it was shown on ABS-CBN. In 2015 and 2016, a digitally remastered version was shown on the ABS-CBN Digital TV subchannel Yey! in the Philippines.
In January 2011, the anime was shown in the United States in the original Japanese on the NHK's cable channel TV Japan.



English episode titles from the 1988 Saban dub are listed in parentheses.
1The Small World of Tom Sawyer
2A Fun Punishment
3Love At First Sight
4The Magic spell
6Huck's House
7The Rival
8Panic at Board
9Aunt Polly is Sick
10Injun Joe
11The Treasure
12The Professor
13The Pirates
14Pirates Don't Go To School
15Poor Aunt Polly
16The Funeral
17Back to School
19The Frog Race
20The Secret of Mr. Dobbins
21The Summer Holidays
22The Charlatan
23Fishing party
24Huck Wears a Tie
25A Stubborn Boy
27The Rising of the Curtain
28Help Lisette!
29Goodbye Lisette
30Huck's Father
31The Candlestick
32Gold in Petersburg
33Escape to Freedom
34The man who came from the sky
35Tom wants to fly
36Fixing the balloon
37Goodbye Arthur
38The Accident
39A Question of Confidence
40The Trial
41Where is Injun Joe?
42A Pleasant Journey
43The White Horse
44The Capture
46The Haunted House
47The Cave
48The Death of Injun Joe
49The Sad Ending
