The Adventures of Hyperman

The Adventures of Hyperman is an American animated series that aired from October 14, 1995 to August 10, 1996 on CBS. The show featured an intergalactic sheriff fighting the evil monster Entrobe and his sidekick Kidd Chaos. Hyperman was joined by his own sidekicks, Studd Puppy and 13-year-old science genius Emma C. Squared.


The program is based on an interactive computer game of the same name. The property was created by Kevin O'Donnell, Ken Corr and Crag Southard. It was released as a CD-ROM by IBM prior to running as an animated series.

Voice cast

  1. "The Incredible Lightness of Beano/Stuck on You"
  2. "Guess Who's Coming to Earth/The Evil Brian"
  3. "Cosmonot/The Brain Game"
  4. "Robotot/Foul Weather Friend"
  5. "Emma is History/Appalling 13"
  6. "Have a Hyper Christmas!/The Good, the Bad and the Emmas"
  7. "Darwinator/Studd Puppy Come Home"
  8. "E. Brian Strangelove/Hypermeddling Made Easy"
  9. "Some Like It Hotter/You Dirty Rats"
  10. "Immaculate Man/Book 'Em Studdo"
  11. "Wanted: Dead or Alive... Oh What the Heck, Dead's Fine/Hyperness Is Only Skin Deep"
  12. "Oceans a Leavin'"
  13. "Two's a Crowd/The Promotion"