The Adventures of Dollie

The Adventures of Dollie is a 1908 American silent film directed by D. W. Griffith. It was Griffith's debut film as a director. A print of the film survives in the Library of Congress film archive. The film tells the story of a young girl who, after being kidnapped by a gypsy peddler, ends up trapped in a barrel as it floats downriver toward a waterfall.


On a beautiful summer day a father and mother take their daughter Dollie on an outing to the river. The mother refuses to buy a peddler's wares. The peddler tries to rob the mother, but the father drives him off. The peddler returns to the gypsy camp and devises a plan. They return and kidnap Dollie while her parents are distracted. A rescue crew is organized, but the peddler takes Dollie to his camp. They gag Dollie and hide her in a barrel before the rescue party gets to the camp. Once they leave the gypsies escape in their wagon. As the wagon crosses the river, the barrel falls into the water. Still sealed in the barrel, Dollie is swept downstream in dangerous currents. A boy who is fishing in the river finds the barrel, and Dollie is reunited safely with her parents.
