The Adventures of Chico and Guapo
The Adventures of Chico and Guapo is an American animated television series that originally aired on MTV2. Set in New York City, the show is about two interns trying to get ahead in the music business. Chico and Guapo work at Mr. Angelo's recording studio. The series follows their misadventures, and also features Chico and Guapo's commentary on real TV shows while channel surfing in Mr. Angelo's office.
Shorts of the cartoon originally aired on The Orlando Jones Show on FX prior to becoming a regular series on MTV2.Characters
- Chico Bustello – A smart-mouthed janitor of Puerto Rican descent working for Angelo Productions
- Guapo Martinez – An obese janitor from the Dominican Republic who works with Chico
- Concepción Rodriguez – A Latina receptionist from the Dominican Republic with a large butt
- Hank Holiday – A gay music producer who gets all the credit for Cezar's work
- Cezar – A producer and a musical genius, Chico's cousin
- Mr. Angelo – The owner of Angelo Productions, whose wife has been dead for 12 years and whose daughter Sophie is in love with Chico
Episode guide
- 1st episode:
- * Gelatinous F.A.T
- * Affirmative Reaction
- * Worker's Comp
- * Smackfight
- * America's Most Talented Fetus
- 2nd episode:
- * Pariah Scary
- * Too Hot for Teacher
- * Santeria
- * Gaupo's Dyslexia
- * The Gift
- 3rd episode:
- * Li'l Kwim
- * Morcilla Sausage
- * Standup Guy
- * Cezar's First
- * Mr. Angelo's Rug
- 4th episode:
- * Da Feud
- * Enter the Guapo
- * Bigfoot
- * Y tu Chico, Tambien
- * The Hanklick Maneuver