That Puppet Game Show

That Puppet Game Show is a British television series broadcast on BBC One between 10 August 2013 and 5 January 2014. The show was made by the BBC in conjunction with The Jim Henson Company and featured the Miskreant Puppets from Puppet Up! in their first family-related appearance. The show was hosted by a puppet character "Dougie Colon" and featured celebrities playing games alongside puppet characters. On 25 October 2013, it was announced that the show had been axed after the show had attracted largely negative press reviews and struggled in the ratings.


Each week two celebrities go head to head in a number of games, hoping to win £10,000 for their chosen charity. They compete in subjects such as sport, science, celebrity, nature, music and mental agility. Each of the games is run and hosted by a different puppet character, who is an "expert" in their field.
In between each of the games, backstage scenes feature the experts and crew. There is also a family watching the game show on TV who make comments after each of the games are played.


Many of the puppet characters were recycled from characters in various other Henson productions.
The first series aired for seven episodes, each starring different celebrity guests.
The following are the crew members that help to run this show:



Despite the show's cancellation announcement on 25 October 2013, the Daily Star reported on 16 August 2013 that the BBC show is set to go global with TV chiefs in Scandinavia and Asia wanting to buy the show and make their own versions.