Telul eth-Thalathat
Telul eth-Thalathat is an archaeological site located west of Mosul and just east of Tal Afar in Nineveh Province.The site consists of at least five separate tells or settlement mounds. Telul eth-Thalathat was excavated for four seasons between 1956 and 1965 and again in 1976 by a team from the University of Tokyo Iraq-Iran Archaeological Expedition. The early seasons were led by N. Egami and the final season by S. Fukai.Telul eth-Thalathat was occupied in the Ubaid and Uruk periods, as well as during Middle Assyrian times. Excavations have revealed over 20 kilns and a number of burials, as well as some figurines and spindle whorls. There was also a small Neolithic settlement.