Telkom Institute of Technology

Institut Teknologi Telkom Telkom Institute of Technology was a vocational university specializing in telecommunication engineering. It was established on September 28, 1990 by the Telkom Education Foundation, which is owned by PT Telkom, the semi-privatized government-owned telecommunication company of Indonesia. The school with 480.000 m² area was in Dayeuhkolot, 3 km south of Bandung. In August 2013, the institution was merged with Telkom Education Foundation's 3 other institutions, Telkom Institute of Management, Telkom Politechnics, and Telkom Creative Arts Schools to form Telkom University
IT Telkom focused on a program to support the development of telecommunication technologies and industries by providing skilled professionals. In its early years of 1991 and 1992, PT Telkom provided scholarship to all students with job contracts at the company after graduation.
In 2005, IT Telkom tied with China's largest telecommunication manufacturer and wireless provider, ZTE, to establish a telecommunication center at the school's campus.


  1. Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communications
  2. Faculty of Informatics Engineering
  3. Faculty of Industrial Engineering
  4. Faculty of Science
  5. Faculty of Postgraduate


Laboratories of PPDU