Team Silent was a development group within Konami Computer Entertainment Tokyo, responsible for the first four games in the Silent Hill franchise by Konami released from 1999 to 2004, with later titles developed by external Western companies such as Climax Studios, Double Helix Games and Vatra Games. According to composer Akira Yamaoka, Team Silent consisted of staff members that had failed at other projects and originally intended to leave the company before the first Silent Hill game turned out to be a success. According to a Silent Hill Homecoming artist, Team Silent was ultimately disbanded by Konami itself, because Konami wanted Western developers to make the games. KCET was merged into the parent company Konami in April 2005. Key members of Team Silent include:
Keiichiro Toyama: Director of Silent Hill. Left to join SCE Japan Studioin 1999 and create the Siren series of games.
Masashi Tsuboyama: Background designer Silent Hill, director of Silent Hill 2, art director of Silent Hill 4. Left Konami to join Good-Feel
Kazuhide Nakazawa: Director of Silent Hill 3. He later joined Kojima Productions.
Suguru Murakoshi: Drama director of Silent Hill 2, director and scenario writer of Silent Hill 4. He later joined Kojima Productions.
Hiroyuki Owaku: Scenario writer of Silent Hill 2 and Silent Hill 3, co-writer for Silent Hill
Masahiro Ito: Background and creature designer of Silent Hill, art director and creature designer of Silent Hill 2 and Silent Hill 3'
Gozo Kitao: Executive producer of Silent Hill, Silent Hill 2, Silent Hill 3
Akihiro Imamura: Producer of Silent Hill 2, sub-producer of Silent Hill 4
Takayoshi Sato: CGI Creator of Silent Hill and Silent Hill 2. Left to join Virtual Heroes, Inc., and later joined Nintendo in 2012 as a Visual Producer.
Akira Yamaoka played a major role in the Silent Hillfilm adaptation by overseeing and approving specific aspects of the movie throughout its production. Team Silent members are now working on separate projects. Some of the original members went on to create the Siren series, which has a similar atmosphere to the Silent Hill'' franchise. In March 2020, rumors started to flourish online that members of Team Silent were being reunited at Sony's SIE with Konami's approval and that development on a "soft reboot" of Silent Hill had begun in early 2019 for the PlayStation 5.