Taxodium mucronatum, also known as Montezuma bald cypress, Montezuma cypress or ahuehuete is a species of Taxodium that is native to Mexico and Guatemala. Ahuehuete is derived from the Nahuatl name for the tree, āhuēhuētl, which means "upright drum in water" or "old man of the water."
It is a large evergreen or semi-evergreen tree growing to tall and with a trunk of diameter. The leaves are spirally arranged but twisted at the base to lie in two horizontal ranks, long and broad. The cones are ovoid, long and broad. Unlike bald cypress and pond cypress, Montezuma cypress rarely produces cypress knees from the roots. Trees from the Mexican highlands achieve a notable stoutness. One specimen, the Árbol del Tule in Santa María del Tule, Oaxaca, Mexico, is the stoutest tree in the world with a diameter of. Several other specimens from diameter are known. The second stoutest tree in the world is the Big Baobab, an African Baobab.
Habitat and range
Montezuma cypress is primarily a riparian tree, growing along upland riversides, but can also be found next to springs and marshes. It occurs from, in Mexico mainly in highlands at in altitude. T. mucronatum is very drought-tolerant and fast-growing and favors climates that are rainy throughout the year or at least with high summer rainfall. Taxodium mucronatum is native to much of Mexico as far south as the highlands of southern Mexico. Two disjunct populations exist in the United States. One is in the Rio Grande Valley of southernmost Texas, while the other is in southern New Mexico, near Las Cruces. Within Guatemala, the tree is restricted to Huehuetenango Department.
Montezuma cypresses have been used as ornamental trees since Pre-Columbian times. The Aztecs planted āhuēhuētl along processional paths in the gardens of Chapultepec because of its association with government. Artificial islands called chinampas were formed in the shallow lakes of the Valley of Mexico by adding soil to rectangular areas enclosed by trees such as āhuēhuētl; they also lined the region's canals prior to Spanish conquest. Ahuehuetes are frequently cultivated in Mexican parks and gardens. The wood is used to make house beams and furniture. The Aztecs used its resin to treat gout, ulcers, skin diseases, wounds, and toothaches. A decoction made from the bark was used as a diuretic and an emmenagogue. Pitch derived from the wood was used as a cure for bronchitis The leaves acted as a relaxant and could help reduce itching. John Naka, a world-renowned bonsai master, donated his very first bonsai, a Montezuma Cypress, to the National Bonsai and Penjing Museum of the United States. A linear grove is located in the main courtyard of the Getty CenterArt Museum, thriving since 1995.
Taxodium × ‘LaNana’
Taxodium 'Zhongshansa'
General references
Eguiluz T. 1982. Clima y Distribución del género pinus en México. Distrito Federal. Mexico.
Rzedowski J. 1983. Vegetación de México. Distrito Federal, Mexico.
Martínez, Maximinio. 1978. Catálogo de nombres vulgares y científicos de plantas mexicanas.