Taung tribe

Bataung is the most senior tribe of Bantu origin which descends from its ancestor Mohurutshe and which speaks the Sotho-Tswana group of languages, namely, Setswana, Sepedi, Sesotho and Lozi.
The Bataung people are found in the Escarpment region of Southern Africa. Mohurutshe, Morotse, Bahurutshe, Barotse have a corresponding meaning. "Tau" is a Sotho-Tswana word meaning "lion", and this animal is their totem. "Bataung" is a plurality of a lion meaning "people of a place of Lions".
Some of the bautaung based in the free state were some among those who made up the army under king moshoeshoe during the Free State–Basotho Wars with the white settlers
The bautang tribe modern day are found in all south african nations. They have clans in the pedi,tswana,sotho and nguni nations