Tatiana Bulanova

Tatiana Ivanovna Bulanova, sometimes spelled Tatyana Bulanova or Tanya Bulanova is a famous Russian singer recognized for her strong, melancholic romance ballads, catchy electro-pop beats and techno remixes. She shot to fame in 1990 when she started her singing career with the band Letniy Sad. Tat'yana and Letniy Sad had 10 hit albums together between 1990 and 1996. Since 1996, she has maintained her popularity and released a further 16 hit solo albums. She was named a Meritorious Artist of Russia.
She is married to the Russian football player, Vladislav Radimov, and has now focused mainly on the family, typically performing in the "All-Stars" shows instead of solo concerts.
Tat'yana last year performed as a contestant on the popular Russian TV show "Superstar 2008", shown on Russia's KTV.
Her latest album was released in 2010. Overall she has 27 albums to date, making her discography a staggering 27 albums in 20 years.


  1. 25 гвоздик "25 Gvozdik" - "25 Carnations" — 1990
  2. Не плачь "Ne Plach" - "Don't cry" — 1991
  3. Старшая сестра "Starshaya Sestra" - "Older sister" — 1992
  4. Баллады "Balladi" - "Ballads" — 1993
  5. Странная встреча "Strannaya Vstrecha" - "A strange meeting" — 1993
  6. Измена "Izmena" - "Betrayal" — 1994
  7. Я сведу тебя с ума — "Ya Svedu Tebya S Uma" - "I am driving you insane" 1995
  8. Cкоро боль пройдёт — "Skoro Bol' Proydyot" - "Soon the pain will pass" 1995
  9. Обратный билет "Obratniy Bilet" - "Return ticket" — 1995
  10. Моё русское сердце "Moyo Russkoe Serdtse" - "My Russian heart" — 1996
  11. Стерпится-слюбится "Sterpitsya-Slyubitsya" - "Time works wonders" — 1997
  12. Женское сердце "Zhenskoe Serdtse" - "Womanly heart" — 1998
  13. Стая "Staya" - "The Flock" — 1999
  14. Мой сон "Moy Son" - "My dream" — 2000
  15. День рождения "Den' Rozhdeniya" - "Birthday" — 2001
  16. Летний сон "Letniy Son" - "Summer Dream" — 2001
  17. Золото любви "Zoloto Lyubvi" - "Love's gold" — 2001
  18. Красное на белом "Krasnoe Na Belom" - "Red on white" — 2002
  19. Это игра "Eto Igra" - "This is a game" — 2002
  20. Любовь "Lyubov'" - "Love" — 2003
  21. Белая черёмуха "Belaya Cheryomukha" - "White birdcherry" — 2004
  22. Летела душа "Letela Dusha" - "Let my soul fly" — 2005
  23. Люблю и скучаю "Lyublyu i Skuchayu" - "I love and yearn" — 2007
  24. Романсы "Romansy" - "Romances" — 2010