Tate's algorithm

In the theory of elliptic curves, Tate's algorithm takes as input an integral model of an elliptic curve E over, or more generally an algebraic number field, and a prime or prime ideal p. It returns the exponent fp of p in the conductor of E, the type of reduction at p, the local index
where is the group of -points
whose reduction mod p is a non-singular point. Also, the algorithm determines whether or not the given integral model is minimal at p, and, if not, returns an integral model with integral coefficients for which the valuation at p of the discriminant is minimal.
Tate's algorithm also gives the structure of the singular fibers given by the Kodaira symbol or Néron symbol, for which, see elliptic surfaces: in turn this determines the exponent fp of the conductor E.
Tate's algorithm can be greatly simplified if the characteristic of the residue class field is not 2 or 3; in this case the type and c and f can be read off from the valuations of j and Δ.
Tate's algorithm was introduced by as an improvement of the description of the Néron model of an elliptic curve by.


Assume that all the coefficients of the equation of the curve lie in a complete discrete valuation ring R with perfect residue field and maximal ideal generated by a prime π.
The elliptic curve is given by the equation

The algorithm

The algorithm is implemented for algebraic number fields in the PARI/GP computer algebra system, available through the function elllocalred.