
Tamagoyaki is a type of Japanese omelette, which is made by rolling together several layers of cooked egg. These are often prepared in a rectangular omelette pan called a makiyakinabe or tamagoyakiki.


There are several types of tamagoyaki. It is made by combining eggs, and sometimes sugar or soy sauce. Additionally, sake and mirin are used in some recipes.
Alternative versions include "dashimaki tamago" which adds dashi to the egg mix, a stock of dried bonito and kelp, or a version including a mix of shrimp puree, grated mountain yam, sake, and egg, turned into a custard-like cake.

Serving options

In Japan, it is also served as a common breakfast dish and in other preparations.


Tamagoyaki is served around the world in the form of nigiri, and also appears in many types of sushi rolls. In the days when most sushi establishments made their own tamagoyaki, known as gyoku in sushi parlance, connoisseur customers would order the tamago sushi prior to starting their meal to assess the sushi chef's skills.
Large futomaki rolls often use tamagoyaki as an ingredient.

Similar dishes

In Japan, there are several similar dishes to tamagoyaki, such as usuyaki-tamago, kinshi-tamago, and iri-tamago. They differ by their thicknesses, and the manner in which they are cooked. Usuyaki-tamago is thinner, kinshi-tamago is a kind of usuyaki-tamago that cuts like fine threads, and iri-tamago is similar to scrambled eggs.