Talwan, India

Talwan is a town in Jalandhar District in the Indian state of Punjab.
Talwan town situated on the bank shore of Sutlej river that is the longest of the five rivers that flow through the historic crossroads region of Punjab in northern India and Pakistan. Talwan lies on the Jalandhar-Nurmahal-Talwan Major District Road 82 of Punjab. The development block for Talwan is Nurmahal.
The nearest railway station to Talwan is Nurmahal railway station at a distance of 8 km. Talwan falls into Dhagara

Famous people from Talwan

Most famous peoples Ravidassia community and valmiki samaj and Sikh they all are belongs to moolniwasi of India.
Swami Shraddhanand who was a freedom fighter, social reformer and founder of Gurukul Kangri, hailed from and was born in Talwan.
And in this village total voters near about 6000.this is the big village in the district of Jalandhar Punjab.

Pin Code & STD codes

Talwan's pin code & STD Code is 144039 & 01826 respectively.