The T-rules, are a set of conjugation rules used in the Dutch language to determine whether the second person singular/plural and the first and third person singular of a verb end in -t or not. These rules are related to the 't kofschip-rule, which is used to determine the verb end for past tenses and participles. The combined sets of rules are also known as the d/t-rules.
The pronounjij/je only calls for the verb to end in -t if it precedes the verb, and if the verb is in the present simple or present perfect indicative. Modal verbs and the future/conditional auxiliary zullen allow forms with and without -t.
Jijgaat naar school.
Gajij naar school?
Jezou naar school gaan.
Jijging naar school.
Jekan naar school gaan.
Jekunt naar school gaan.
Kunje naar school gaan?
Jezal naar school gaan.
Jezult naar school gaan.
Zulje naar school gegaan zijn?
If the stem of the verb ends in -t, the jij form always ends in -t:
With the verbs houden, rijden and verbs derived from them, the -d of the radical can be dropped if it is not followed by -t. In a formal context, usually the d is not dropped.
The pronoun jullie always makes the verb end in -en. The ending -t is also possible, but this form is archaic.
Jullielopen naar school.
Jullieloopt naar school.
''Gij/ge'' (2nd sing./plur.)
The pronoun gij/ge makes the verb end in -t, whether the pronoun precede or follow the verb. Modal and auxiliary forms also end in -t. This pronoun is used informally in spoken language in North Brabant and Flanders only. Its written form only appears in archaic texts where it compares to English thou.
Gijgaat naar school.
Gaatgij naar school.
Gezoudt naar school gaan.
Gijgingt naar school.
Gekunt naar school gaan.
No extra -t is added if the verb stem already end in -t. The ending -t is added after -d:
Houdtgij van bloemen?
Gijhoudt van bloemen
In the subjunctive and in the regular past, the -t survives only as an archaic form:
Gijneme een lepel suiker.
Werktege hard?
In informal speech, the verb ends in -de or -te, if gij follows the verb. In very informal speech, the subject is dropped altogether. The -e ending after the stem is a remnant of the Middle Dutch pronoun di which, over the centuries, developed into a clitic.
The rules for third person singular subjects and the pronoun u/U are the same: the verb takes -t in the simple present and present perfect tense of the indicative. Modal verbs and zullen have forms without -t. This pronoun is formal and is used in both written and spoken language. The spelling with a capital U is very formal and is used for royalty or deities.
Hijgaat naar school.
Gaatu naar school.
Hijzou naar school gaan.
Uging naar school.
Zijkan naar school gaan.
The first person singular for non-modal verb is identical to the radical. The form can end in a vowel or in a consonant. For the verbs houden, rijden and their derivatives, the -d of the radical can be dropped in spoken language. In a formal context, the d is not dropped.