
Tōon-ryū is a style of Okinawan Karate founded by Juhatsu Kyoda.
Juhatsu Kyoda entered the dojo of Higaonna Kanryō in 1902 and continued studying with him until Kanryō's death in 1915. One month after Kyoda started, Miyagi Chōjun entered the dojo. In 1908, Kenwa Mabuni also joined the dojo of Higaonna Kanryō.
In 1934 Kyoda received his Kyoshi license from the Dai Nippon Butoku Kai.
The Tōon-ryū kata and training drills consist of: Ten-I-Happo, Tsuki-Uke, Kiso I & II, III, Sanchin, Sesan, Sanseru, Bechurin, Jion, & Nepai. Apparently Kyoda knew two versions of Seisan: one from Higaonna Kanryō and one from Higaonna Kanryu, but only passed on the Kanyu version. He learned Jion from Kentsū Yabu and Nepai from Go Kenki. By far Higaonna Kanryō had the most profound impact on him as Kyoda devoted well over a decade of his life to learning Kanryō’s karate. He ultimately named his style after him: Tō-on-ryū.
Kyoda's tradition was carried on by Iraha Choko, Kyoda Juko, and Kanzaki Juwa. Kanzaki gave teaching licenses to Yoshino Jusei , Fujishima Jusho and Ikeda Jushu. The current chief instructor is Ikeda Jushu.