Sweedie is a fictional character portrayed by actor Wallace Beery in drag, in a series of comedy films from 1914–1916. The series is notable as the means by which Beery, a particularly masculine actor, first made his name in the film industry.- Sweedie the Swatter
- Sweedie and the Lord
- Topsy-Turvy Sweedie
- Sweedie and the Double Exposure
- Sweedie Springs a Surprise
- Sweedie's Skate
- Sweedie's Clean-Up
- Golf Champion 'Chick' Evans Links with Sweedie
- The Fickleness of Sweedie
- Sweedie Learns to Swim
- She Landed a Big One
- Sweedie the Laundress
- Sweedie the Trouble Maker
- Countess Sweedie
- Sweedie at the Fair
- A Maid of War
- Sweedie and the Hypnotist
- Sweedie Collects for Charity
- Sweedie and the Sultan's Present
- Sweedie's Suicide
- Sweedie and Her Dog
- The New Teacher
- Sweedie Goes to College
- Sweedie's Hopeless Love
- Sweedie Learns to Ride
- Sweedie in Vaudeville
- Sweedie's Hero
- Sweedie's Finish
- Sweedie, the Janitor