
The Suzuran is a limited express train service operated by Hokkaido Railway Company between and in Hokkaido, Japan. The current limited express service was introduced in July 1992, but the name was first used from 1956 for an express service operated by JNR between and Sapporo. Suzuran is Japanese for Lily of the valley.


Sapporo - Shin-Sapporo - Chitose - Minami-Chitose - Numanohata - Tomakomai - Shiraoi - Noboribetsu - Horobetsu - Washibetsu - Higashi-Muroran - Wanishi - Misaki - Bokoi - Muroran
Services are formed of 5-car 785 series and 789-1000 series EMUs. All seats are non-reserved, except for car 4, which has improved "u-Seat" accommodation, including AC outlets for personal use.


Trains are formed as shown below, with car 1 at the Muroran end.
Car No.12345
AccommodationNon-reservedNon-reservedNon-reservedReserved Non-reserved
Facilities Toilet Wheelchair space, toiletToilet

From July 1992 until 30 September 2007, Suzuran services were formed of 4-car 781 series EMUs, with one reserved car, formed as shown below.
Car No.1234
FacilitiesToiletVending machineTelephone, toilet