Surya Saputra

Surya Saputra is an Indonesian actor, singer, and model. He is a former member of the boy band Cool Colors.


Saputra has appeared in the soap operas Air Mata Ibu, Cerita Cinta, Remaja Lima, Cinta Abadi, Romantika 21, Strawberry, Metropolis 2, Senyuman Ananda, and Arisan! 2 The Series. He has appeared in the films Janji Joni, Gie, Untuk Rena, Arisan!, Belahan Jiwa and Long Road to Heaven, which is about the Bali terrorist bombing. Saputra won "Best Supporting Actor" for his work in Arisan! at the 2004 Indonesian Film Festival.
Saputra has also worked as a film producer. He appeared on the reality show Celebrity Dance teamed up with Cynthia Lamusu. He is also a former member of Surya the boy group Cool Colors, along with Ari Wibowo, Ari Sihasale, and Yohandi Yahya.
On 2 April 2016, Saputra had received a special award, 7 Icon Usmar Ismail Awards, together with a senior Widyawati, Tio Pakusadewo, Dwi Sasono, Lenny Marlina, Sissy Pricillia, and Prisia Nasution at the 2016 Usmar Ismail Awards.

Personal life

Saputra married singer Dewi Sandra in 2000 and they were divorced in January 2005. Saputra married Cynthia Lamusu of the girl group Be3 on 8 June 2008. Saputra and Lamusu became parents to baby twins, both girl and boy, which were born on 20 November 2016.




Television film

Awards and nominations